I am Gazan and Honour is my home

Poem by Nisreen Taima


I'm Ghazan, and honor is my home,
Guided by God's light, no need to roam.
I defied disability with will so strong,
My resolve was the path all along.
Like a mountain, I stand tall and firm,
Patience is my guiding age-long term.
I'm Gazan, bombs falling all around,
Fear and helplessness me surround.
Blind of sight, robbed of power,
Lost in darkness, hour by hour.
I can't see where the shells land,
Oh, my friend, with no helping hand.
Looking for safety, I move ahead,
Show me the path I should tread.
A refugee beneath a tent's shade,
Badly in need, help must be made.
The events have blinded my soul,
Sighted it was, now a darkened whole.

Searching for water and a bite to eat,
My requests aren't hard to meet.
The occupier destroyed my place,
All my dreams, gone with no trace.
My cane no longer leads the way,
No choice left, no hope in the fray.
Support a heart filled with pain,
Injustice has left it without a gain.
Stand by those who come in need,
Seeking true help, not just a deed.
I'm Gazan, and all those around me,
Call for solidarity everyone can see.
Support those who lost their sight,
To achieve justice and behave right.

Remains of martyrs from Al Tabeen school massacre

Photo by Mohammed Balousha: Remains of martyrs from Al Tabeen School massacre (August 11, 2024)